The right scrubber-dryer is the one that does the job best in terms of speed and cleaning result. What criteria must be considered? A cheaper machine at the time of purchase may be the more costly option over the entire operating cycle.
The first scrubber-dryers were developed in the USA in the 1950s. This revolutionized floor cleaning, which was a purely manual activity with buckets and mops. The demand for quality was lower than today, because even the largest surfaces had to be cleaned manually. Today we can choose from countless makes – produced in Europe, overseas or the Far East. An attractive design and various technical components should convince the buyer.
The scrubber dryers also differ in the way they treat the floor. Most often you can find machines with one or more rotating brushes or drive plates with pad discs. Cylindrical brushes, counter-rotating individually or in pairs, and more recently oscillating brushes or pad are also installed by some manufacturers in their machines.
In keeping with the spirit of the times, the machines should also meet ecological requirements. Scrubber-driers are made from materials that can be recycled to the greatest possible extent. In addition, they should be economical with water or generally reduce water consumption in floor cleaning. New motors also help to operate the machines in an energy-efficient manner. On the other hand, we see a volatile model policy at various manufacturers. This means that existing machines are replaced more quickly, which increases resource consumption. However, there are also manufacturers who pursue a more conservative model policy. Here, resources are conserved through longevity. Machines that feel like a professional vacuum cleaner should feel, robust and solidly built with high-quality components. Less material consumption through purist design and sustainable use through longevity, because only what lasts can be truly green.
Scrubber-driers must be ergonomically designed for fatigue-free operation. Here, too, a purist design has a positive effect. The essentials take center stage and operation is intuitive. The fresh and protective water tank, suction bar, filter, hoses and tools are easy to clean. The machine thus remains ready for trouble-free use with little effort.
Last but not least, a purist design combined with high-quality components reduces service and maintenance costs enormously. Together with the long service life, this results in favorable total life cycle costs.
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