
Internal training for cleanroom cleaning

Cleanroom courses cover the fundamentals of cleaning and disinfection. Employees are sensitized to the highly demanding nature of cleanroom cleaning and the responsibility they will carry. The courses should be designed to enable participants to implement practical tasks and present learning materials in a visual manner.

Interne Schulungen zur Reinraumreinigung


Cleanroom training and general maintenance cleaning training have distinct focuses. Cleanroom training pertains to educating employees working in controlled environments where maintaining an extremely clean atmosphere is crucial. Such training emphasizes the significance of purity, hygiene, and sterility. It covers various cleaning techniques and procedures necessary to uphold cleanliness. Moreover, it’s essential to elucidate what a cleanroom is and why cleaning must adhere to specific protocols, as demonstrated in the training. Employees should comprehend the distinction from conventional maintenance cleaning to fully understand their responsibilities.

Course design

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