
Cleaning contractor Rohr AG switches to granule cleaner

Since the summer of 2018, Rohr AG has been cleaning 34 buildings on the Petersplatz Campus of the University of Basel using Wetrok granule cleaners. This modern cleaning method saves such high process costs that Rohr AG decided to switch all its properties to granule cleaning by the end of December 2019. An interview about the advantages of granules, pioneering spirit, and smart cost calculation.

Gebäudereiniger Rohr AG stellt auf Granulat-Reiniger um

Mr. Härry, Rohr AG is open to innovations and enjoys trying out new technologies. What requirements must an innovation meet?

That’s correct; the pioneering spirit has been with us for the past 20 years. We were one of the first cleaning companies in Switzerland to start using microfiber cloths. The most crucial criterion for innovations is, and remains, quality. The cleaning results with the innovation must be better or at least as good as the previous solution. The most significant process advantages are of no use if the cleaning quality isn’t up to par. At the end of the day, our customers judge us based on our promise: ‘guaranteed cleanliness.

Portrait of Peter Härry

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