Biosan rapide WT is a natural, antimicrobial product developed for disinfection and odor elimination in the dirty water tanks of scrubber-driers. IPC scrubber-driers have "Safe Sanitation Tanks" with antibacterial plastic.
Scrubber-driers suck up dirt from the floor into the recovery tank. When the machine is not in use, the recovery tank creates an ideal environment for bacterial growth and odors. When the machine is in use, the airflow through the recovery tank can release harmful pathogens and odors into the environment.
To create a more hygienic and safer environment, IPC and Genesis Biosciences introduce biosan rapide WT. It was developed by Genesis Biosciences, the world leader in natural-based antimicrobial technology. It is the first germicidal product that both disinfects and odour neutralizes the recovery tanks of scrubber dryers.
The active ingredients in biosan rapide WT reduce the bacteria content in the waste water tank overnight by >99.999%. By killing the bacteria, the decomposition of organic waste products is stopped, preventing the formation of unpleasant odors at the source. A pleasant, natural fragrance is released inside the tank and continues to emanate while the cleaning machine is in operation. The patented antimicrobial effect of biosan rapide in the vapor phase penetrates all internal surfaces of the dirty water tank and hoses, eliminating both harmful bacteria and the formation of odors in the tank.
Biosan rapide is easy to use:
The natural active ingredient in biosan rapide products is supported by Genesis Biosciences under the European Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR, Regulation (EU) 528/2012). The antimicrobial efficacy of biosan rapide WT has been tested and verified with recognized disinfectant bacterial strains representing the types of bacteria found in wastewater tanks: Escherichia coli NCIMB 8879 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa NCIMB 10421.
The IPC CleanTime scrubber dryers are optionally available with antibacterial dirty water tank plastic. These new “Safe Sanitation Tanks” combat the development of mold and bacteria to meet the hygiene standards required in highly sensitive environments.
Antibacterial control handle and dirty water tank are available for the models:
– CT 15
– CT 30
– CT 46
Antibacterial dirty water tank is available for the models:
– CT 40
– CT 51
– CT 71
– CT 80
– CT 110
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