
E-learning - the path to the standard

Swiss Association for Standardization

Do you know how a standard is created and how you can play an active role in shaping standardization? Are you aware of the many benefits that standardization work brings to your company or industry? These and other questions are answered in the e-learning “The path to standardization”. It gives you an initial overview of how standardization is organized, financed and coordinated across national borders. In just 20 minutes, you will gain compact knowledge of standards.

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  1. Participation in standardization
  2. Step by step to the standard
  3. The standard on the international stage
  4. Conclusion – Things to know

Learning objectives

  • You will know the most important standards and standards organizations
  • You know how standardization is financed
  • You understand how the national body of standards is compared with the international body of standards
  • You will be familiar with the World Trade Organization (WTO) Code of Standards
  • You know the meaning of the National Foreword of a standard


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