
E-learning: standardization 101 – a practical guide

Swiss Association for Standardization

We encounter standards every day. Almost every product and numerous services that we use are standardized. They influence and simplify our lives without us even realizing it. They ensure that toothpaste doesn’t scratch our teeth like scouring powder, that food doesn’t fall through the grill bars and that children’s playgrounds are a safe place. Would you like to find out more about the “silent companions” in our everyday lives? This e-learning provides you with an initial insight into the world of standardization using a practice-oriented guide. In just 20 minutes, you will gain compact knowledge of standards.

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Learning content

  • The basics of standardization
  • What does the law say about standards?
  • Standards as a door opener to the global market
  • The end of the standard?

Learning objective

  • You know the different families of standards
  • You know how standardization is organized nationally and internationally
  • You know abbreviations such as: SN, EN or ISO
  • You understand the difference between standards and the law
  • You know the benefits of standardization in international business
  • You know how you can participate in standardization yourself and recognize the benefits of doing so


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