Swiss Association for Standardization

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The Swiss Association for Standardization (SNV) in Winterthur is the central point of contact for standardization in Switzerland. As a link between standardization experts and users, it offers comprehensive support in the development of national and international standards.

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The SNV is the Swiss representative of global and European standardization and acts for the benefit of the economy and society in Switzerland. It assumes an important bridging function between the standardization experts and the users of standards and enables the active co-design of national, European and international standards. In this way, you not only benefit from competitive advantages thanks to the information advantage, but also expand your international network of contacts.

As a long-standing competence center for all aspects of standardization, it supports you from A to Z with a diversified range of products and services. The aim is to make your work with standards easier. It procures, manages and monitors your individual portfolio and ensures that all standards are correctly licensed. The SNV training courses bring you up to date so that you can have your say in the world of standards. Are you interested in a basic seminar to gain an overview of the world of standards, or are you already a standards user and want to become a specialist in standards? The Swiss Association for Standardization (SNV) has the right seminar for you.

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